After hearing Howard Stern talking about (2012 Oscar- nominated) actor Jonah Hill’s new
lady this morning, I had to find a photo.
She’s acting legend Dustin Hoffman’s daughter, Ali, and they’ve been dating a short time. Howard described her as identical to Dustin but hot. Apparently, Dustin gave Jonah his big break years ago.
I missed Howard's interview of Jonah on Monday but The SeattlePi Blog reported he remained tight-lipped about the new romance with the aspiring singer, saying only, "She's the greatest person I know."
Jonah recently ended a long-term relationship with high
school friend Jordan Klein. Although the reason for the split is unknown, a
source told US Weekly that it most likely had to do with her job.
After losing 40 pounds for his new movie 21 Jump Street and enjoying
his recently upgraded lifestyle riddled with Brad Pitt quality time, I think
Jonah became a real jerk. After seeing him spew nastiness in a few talk
show interviews, I found his real guy appeal had vanished.
Hopefully, this rebound romance will bring back the humble Jonah
we knew and McLoved.
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